Increasing Your Low Back Health While At Work

Having low back issues can be very detrimental depending on the type of work you do. If you are in manual labor you use your back all day long. Even if you sit at a computer all day, constant stress is being put on your low back as you work away at your desk. Since your day to day tasks take their toll on your low back, this can lead to low back issues like pain, discomfort, spine degeneration, and disc herniations. Working at a job like this long term can cause these issues, but what if there was a way to negate the bad effects, or even reverse them and improve your low back while you work? This chiropractic doctor at explains a couple simple ways to accomplish this. 

First, you must identify your weak areas and strengthen them. This is easier than it may seem. If you are sitting all day, then look at the muscles that are being stressed the most…your low back, buttock, and abdomen. By strengthening these areas you are providing greater stability and reducing the stresses going to them as you sit all day. 

Second, you need to change positions often. If you are sitting for 8 hours/day, you need to mix it up with standing and walking to keep the body in balance. The body was designed to move, not sit in place for 8+ hours per day. Try standing up and squeezing your low back and buttock muscles once every 15 minutes. This will increase blood circulation, muscle balance, and help you keep healthier while at work. 

Increasing Your Low Back Health While At Work by
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