Role Of Banners In Web Design

Many web designers often find themselves asking whether they should use banners in the design or not. If you are to determine whether or not to use the banners, you first have to look at the purpose of the website. If it is meant for business, then it would be suicidal not to incorporate banners. Banners can be used by potential advertisers which will mean an increase in revenue from your website. If your website is for personal use, then you may want to skip the use of banners. Banners are important because they can be used for a whole range of things and not just advertising.

If it is your personal website, a banner could be where you put your recommendations. Let’s say you benefit from web hosting services; you could share your experience with your readers, and this could be facilitated with a banner. This method should however not be confused with referrals because it is a personal website. A banner can also offer an avenue where you get to display your own products.

The positioning of the banner also matters. You do not want to annoy your readers by placing a banner right in the middle of an article. Any good web designer has experience regarding banners and should be able to help you out.

Role Of Banners In Web Design by
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