Getting Information On Off Campus Housing

Are you one of the students searching for off campus housing? Do you need a one bedroom apartment that is furnished, as you don’t want to move furniture from your parents’ house or you don’t want to invest money in furniture that you are only going to use for a few years? Well, visit this link: This link is going to lead you to the official website of Russian River, an apartment building designed especially for students.
What is great about Russian River is the fact that it is located in the Garden District, which means that it is very close to the university. You’ll easily get to the university, even in the morning, when the traffic jams are horrible. Another great thing about Russian River is represented by the fact that the leasing contract comes with a parking pass. This means that you will not have to worry about parking your car somewhere nearby. Of course, the best thing about Russian River is the fact that this apartment building is a brightly colored, lively one, with a great group of tenants who are friendly and welcoming, so you’ll surely enjoy the experience of living there. You are going to be one of the happy tenants too!

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